Tuesday, September 07, 2004


It was wonderful, even if just for a few moments in the morning.

A cold breeze through my window, hitting everything from my neck to my feet.

Normally I would have curled up more, instead, I stretched and accepted both it and the end of summer.

I celebrated a bit too prematurely, as walking out at 5:30 this afternoon reminded me; but still, thank you God, for a small respite, and a prelude for the months ahead. I truly break for fall.

As someone who sweats five times as much than the normal man, I've wanted to slap everyone who complained that it was a cool summer. I had enough back in July.

To add insult to injury, a poetry website editor asked me to write some more "Spring like" for the spring issue they're working on now. I could only think of writing it like a bad slam piece. "MY BALLS ARE SWEATING MORE AND MORE! I WILL SOON WEAR MORE UGLY SHORT-SLEEVED COLLARED SHIRTS! THEY MAKE ME LOOK FATTER! I SAID THEY MAKE ME LOOK FATTER!"

I'm leaving work now. Hopefully, I'll get a second wind, literally.

1 comment:

Bret said...

That 'bad slam piece' had me laughing.