Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Busy Teaching Irish Ducks Japanese

I've been so out of the loop. Did y'all hear the Pope died?


*sigh* I never even had the time to use the joke when it could have been funny.

And in the free time I've had, I just haven't wanted to blog or write. At least I have a respite from the training session (maybe for the rest of the week), and I can relax a little today.

(Free Sarcastic Haiku chap, BTW to the first one to identify the author and work I'm referencing above. It actually describes my job last week to a T.)

I'd like to congratulate Round for graduating from the "Small Press Projects I Support" section to the "Find Work By Me Here" section. "My Leader" will be appearing in their "Parody" issue. Those of you who didn't see the final tweaked version in Whats Up can find it there in a little while.

Carl tells me that I'm in the next Pettycoat Relaxer. And that Brookline Booksmith owes me money for selling out of my chaps. Thanks to whomever bought them.

Coming up, hopefully, more poetic work, some commentary on the Pope perhaps, if I get fired up after reading the New Yorker article out now.

And, oh yeah, Foetry. It's back. Yeah.


Did a Yahoo search on Foetry just for the hell of it. My Foetry piece from a couple of weeks back was number five on the results list.

This could mean that I'm on my way to becoming the next Jim Behrle with newfound fame.

That, or nobody gives a fuck about the site.

Either way, I'll comment on the site's return later.

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