Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Posting at Three A.M. Because I Can

I'm on a much needed vacation this week. It's limited to my home, but it's first time in about two years, so even sitting around doing nothing feels wonderful. Not that I've limited myself to that.

Saw Doc Brown's Traveling Poetry Theater a few hours ago. My blog even got Bret to come along. Check out his blog for his new graphics and help encourage him to update more frequently (like I should talk).

In addition to literally cleaning house (Getting stuff out my apartment and over to goodwill while preparing to sweep the basement, anticipating rat corpses), I've finally broken in my new computer by spending a good part of the day updating my blog. Some highlights:

The Poem of The Week link is now the Poem of The Month link. I have the July poem up already. Yes, you've read it before. Ironically, I think you will see more new work attached to that link in the coming months, given the poems to-be-published on some websites and the submissions I'm about to send to others.

Since I'm trying to submit longer opinion-type pieces, I've decided to add links to my journalism work available online. Try to look at the top right of this blog as a long résumé, and the whole left side as everything I can't say during a job interview. A good number of the pieces deal with cartooning, and hopefully, they will interest you enough to try my new comics blog coming soon.

I'd written a number of pieces forRobert Young's The Comics Interpreter since 2000. It led to some good acclaim in The Comics Journal as well as one or two other good gigs. Since then, a lack of funding has made it impossible to continue the magazine for the time being. So I've been looking for a new venue, and it seems that more and more writers are selected by TCJ and the comics web sites based on the quality of what appears on their comics-specific blogs.

I thought I might add the element of comics and cartoonist interviews to this blog. However, given that this blog already has poetry, commentary, arts-related articles, reviews, and the occasional graphic and soundbite, my musings on comics and cartooning might bring ths already shaky house of cards down. Worse, if my writing does land me gigs, the comics writing could dominate this site, and I don't neccessarily want that.

And so, look for a link to the site here, once I settle on a name.

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