Saturday, July 16, 2005


That I have a lot of friends who are pro-war is not surprising to those who read my blog or have heard my poetry readings over the last two years. Because my relationships with most of these people are truly loving and in some cases almost two decades old, I usually keep silent about my frustrations with them and work these feelings out in my writing. This week, however, I feel compelled to write about something that may seem trivial to some of you. Still, I suspect it would irk people in situations similar to mine.

Does anyone remember reading about, or even receiving, a not-quite-spam email accusing Starbucks of not supporting the war and encouraging a boycott? Well, a pro-war friend is just getting it this week. Actually, it seems that members of my overseas friend's platoon are just getting it, and that email has been out for a while. Long enough that there are now sites like this and this that show the email's claims are mostly (if not entirely) false. Still, the rage I've been feeling from the war front is as if they saw it on Fox News two days ago.

Understand that the source of the anger I'm feeling comes from Rhode Island, probably one of the least Starbucks infested states in the country. Definitive Dunkin Donuts and Bess Eaton country. Said friend hadn't hit a Starbucks for years and might have finished life without going to one before reading the email. Still, the anger coming from the friend was as if a relative spit on the soldiers.

Keep in mind, I am not someone who supports Starbucks. I worked for them for about six months and have more than enough tangible reasons to boycott them without this rumor (so...I do). I just tried to bring up to the friend that it seemed weird that we had to hear about this via email, not on the news. And doesn't it seem weird that a multi-billion company would make a boneheaded move like this?

The reply from the friend: "Of course you're going to defend them."

(not the exact words, but...)

At that point, I just effectively waited for the conversation to end. Since then, I've been dwelling on this most recent example of mob mentality that finally made me want to break my code of blogging silence. That certain friends claim to tolerate my views but even now knock me down for even appearing like I'm defending anti-war people and statements and not just clarifying and/or inquiring...

Well, this is part of the reason why I'm glad that plans changed and I'll be staying in Boston this entire weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a new Starbucks at Guantanamo Bay? That's patriotism.