Monday, July 11, 2005

Let The Record Show I Asked For This

In response to Jim Behrle's recent call for questions to "Ask An Avenging Poet," I sent him a question and got an answer within 24 hours. The Q and the A can be seen here.

Deleted part: I asked if I could be the Hawkeye character in his literary movement. I added that in the Marvel Universe, Hawkeye is currently dead and therefore, Jim wouldn't have to deal with me much. No answer to that dammit. Either that, or he's already starting to ignore me and I'm in!

As mentioned on Jim's site, the silly questions and bullshit answers are all in good fun. Still, when I look at Mark Lamoureux's Q and A, with Jim, I can't help think that I got off light.

1 comment:

Mark Lamoureux said...

I hope to god that thing does not come up when people do Google image searches for me...