Tuesday, August 16, 2005

After The Reading

Tonight was the Highway Poets gathering at Stone Soup. I wish I finished the web site for Stone Soup. There might have been even more people there if I advertised on it. Still, it was a pretty full room and a great show with strong open micers, including a last minute performance by Bill Barnum.

I recommend checking out the Highway Poets web site to get to know them better. The quality of the work was a little uneven here and there, but the deliveries of certain poets made up for that in spades.

Members like Peddlar and Colorado T. Sky really had fire tonight. It's nice when people go to a poetry reading actually interested in reading and listening to poetry. I've been to one too many readings lately where the poets don't even seem interested in their own work, let alone the work of someone else. And these poets biked hundreds of miles just to read to us.

Local Marc Goldfinger did a good job as well, reading an excerpt from a new novel, which I hope gets published on the basis of the single excerpt we heard.

Best moment came from a haiku by Sky, which I quote in its entirety below (taking liberties with punctuation to try and get across how I heard it read):

History repeats
itself. It has to. People
don't. Fucking. Listen.

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