Monday, August 22, 2005

Stay Tuned

Back from a quick getaway.

Foetry piece is in the home stretch.

"Commedian" essay is in the beginning stages. I would love to finish it before I see "The Aristocrats." Jon Haskell, if you are reading this, call me. We can set up a time to see it (if you haven't already). No, I do not want to see "Fantastic Four."

I want to debut the Stone Soup blog tomorrow, whether it's 12:01 a.m. tonight or sometime tomorrow night.

More importantly, I want to start looking for new features--especially for the vacant Labor Day post. Email me if you're interested (note: after the blog debuts, there will be a separate Stone Soup address).

Most importantly, I'd like you to come and help keep the venue going.

More later. I'm off to host tonight's show.

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