Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Another Roommate Heading Out

I think he came back for the first time last night since he got taken away to the hospital on Thursday. I didn't call the police until today to find out where he even went. Can't put anything off any longer if I want him out by the end of September.

I'm really sorry if he thinks he has a chance of staying after what has happened but I've had the inside of his room to look at since that night. Four empty bottles of vodka on his TV stand. A stepped-on empty bottle of soda used as chaser. Empty bags of stolen food. Nothing's changed.

I'll let him keep his stuff in the basement indefinitely. I'll still even check to see if he wants to sell his jeep to my family. I just don't want him in my house anymore.

I'll be putting out a notice soon, though it looks like we have someone able to take it ASAP.

This will be the last dear-diary post for a while, I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Chad, that totally sucks.

I hope you find someone soon!