Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Chris Volpe of Penhallow Press got back to me last week, and it's official: A poem of mine will be selected as the press' first published broadside.

After going over a few submissions, it looks like Chris has selected "Beat Down," a poem I've read at several open mikes and features but have never printed.

Chris plans to print the broadside the same time he prints the covers to Penhallow Press' upcoming first book, Fistfuls of The Invisible by Jim Rioux.

I'll be buying Rioux' book soon as well as trying to book him and/or Chris for a Stone Soup feature. I'll let you know here and on the Stone Soup site as well.

I'll also let you know when the Broadside's done. I may have a handful for sale, but it's better to buy them from Chris.

1 comment:

na said...

Congrats on the broadside!