Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I actually had some problems with what I wrote a week ago. That's partly why I haven't posted for a while.

Not being an avid news watcher for the last week or so, I didn't absorb the ramifications of Hurricane Katrina until it happened. I felt bad for the Haiku below. I wrote that in reaction to the whole God's will arguement I've heard time and time again. AIDS is God's punishment on Gays, etcetera, etcetera. I probably also had this story on the mind (the perfect followup to the Jerry Falwell's post-911 coments).

I almost took the Haiku down after the death toll grew. Turning the argument around on the religous right with their own thought process can be just as reprehensible, especially when you're basically kicking sand in the faces of the suffering.

But it was this piece that made me realize that a good deal of my targets were glad this disaster happened. So I rewrote it and kept it up.

I've made similar comments in the past (one or two of you might remember back in 2004 my comments of God destroying Florida every time a republican is supported). I stand by the point I was trying to make concering people who claim to understand God's will.

But out of respect for those suffering, I don't see myself bringing those points up for a while.


Corrie said...


Today I could actually see the relevance. As I sped through Malden today I saw a sign in front of Baptist church that said (not quoted) Hurricane Katrina: Natural disaster or God's way of punishing sin?

I was naively surprised to see it.

richard lopez said...

it's heartbreaking and infuriating to read and witness the hate some feel for others in our society. on the same topic, but different thing altogether, i live in ca which passed an historic piece of legislation last weekend whereby the state would recognize gay marriage as legal unions. about fucking time, my wife and i say. however, the govenator vowed to veto it cuz it's not supported by the people and the courts. anyway, we were at the ca state fair last weekend. at the entrance was a booth manned by a zealot, there is no other word for him, who was preaching the evils of gay marriage and was collecting signatures in support of his anger. now, we wondered what in hell made gay marriage such a threat to this guy that he would spend hrs spewing forth his anger? i do not think that question is naive since, really, how can one who enjoys human rights and liberties (i assume by being a hetero married, or not, man in this our u s of a) and deny these rights to any human being.