Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Jim Behrle's At It Again

"That [Mary Oliver] actually uses the word "quietude" in the poem gives me faith that the word will soon be on the backs of bowling jackets by the Spring."

That line, taken from the latest installment of Jim's "Pimp Your Poem," was what made me want to link it and recommend all its installments to those who haven't discovered Jim's blog yet (otherwise you'd be reading it regularly and wouldn't need me).

I've noticed that since Jim removed the comments option in all his posts, he's been getting feistier and feistier. Even though people can't leave ten posts on a subject of his stating their offense, I don't have much of a problem with this. I almost see it as inspiring. After all, aren't some of us in the blogging world because we got tired of message board scenarios?

It'd be even more inspiring, if the comments sections weren't one of the primary ways I communicate with the poetry world.

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