Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's Either Blog or Count Down The Hours In Silence

I'm typing this on my parents' decade old computer tonight. I just got off the phone with Lynne, laughing as we discussed the printer Mom and Dad bought they wanted Lynne and me (okay, mostly Lynne) to help install. It's completely incompatible with their Windows 95 software. I take great relish in mocking their antique computer up every chance I get. These were the two people taunting me to join the 21st century and get a cell phone, and yet their PC was built before the days of DSL connections and USB ports.

This could be my last time online for a couple of days while I sit out my father's surgery in Milford Hospital. He seems to be in great spirits. For part of tonight, we, along with my grandparents were sharing hospital horror stories and having good laughs at the expense of each other's drug-hazed memories of pain. That which does not kill you can seem pretty hilarious a few years later. Maybe I'll relate my tale to y'all after this weekend is done.

I hope to see a few of you at Stone Soup as the new year gets underway. My friend and workshop teacher, Tom Daley, did an amazing job this past Monday. Bill Perrault took some great shots, which I'll share both here and at the Stone Soup site. I also resolve to hype the venue I'm responsible for booking over here on this blog more often. I'm really proud of a few of the features I have planned leading up to and including National Poetry Month.

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