Monday, February 06, 2006

Where Am I?

Me participating in the Stone Soup open mike, which is rare nowadays. Photo by Bill Perrault.

When not working or looking to fill my apartment nowadays, I am still booking for Stone Soup poetry. So far I've got bookings up into April, with some spaces in between. I am searching for potential readers for the coming months. If you're one of the blogger/language poet crowd and are interested in seeing how your work holds up in a venue whose charter members (most still around) were raised on a steady diet of the beats, and if you're in the area or can be with little trouble, I want to hear from you.

Stone Soup has been in a state of struggle for some years, for reasons I won't go into here. We don't pay, and everything we make from donations goes to the equally struggling Out of The Blue Art Gallery. If you have a chapbook or two, we may be theright place for you. Email me at or

Those who can't or don't want to read should show up anyway for the features we have. I may not be there every week, but I am far from the main attraction of Stone Soup (just sayin' if the above photo doesn't already leave you with that impression).

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