Sunday, March 04, 2007

Back In Business

DSL is up and running. I'm at home and typing this with my own computer, which feels...weird.

Since July, I was doing my various online work in two different libraries (among other places). I did it in part to save some much needed money. The whole truth, however, is that I wasn't even in my old apartment blogging very much before I moved last July. I didn't want to be there even when alone, and I didn't want to be here much, either.

Despite all the joking with friends this past week that I wouldn't have to worry about wearing pants while blogging anymore, now I don't feel comfortable sitting at my desk at all, clothes or not.

Now that I have no excuse to be out of my apartment, it's been awkward to resume old habits. I'm not used to working at home anymore. But then, I haven't been used to living at my home either. Or any other place my mail has gone to in the last few years, for that matter.

It's up to me to change that, starting with my new post from Freak Machine Press' new headquarters.


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