Saturday, May 05, 2007

Belated Afterthoughts and Thanks

NaPoWriMo. Well what can I say? I tried up until the end. Trouble was, I spent a lot of time towards the end editing the poems I wrote weeks earlier for the April 28th Open Bark reading my parents ended up not being at. This left little time to imagine good poems for the one-a-day, and I even ended up rejecting some of the haiku I was writing towards the end. Still, the goals I wanted to meed this year were met. I wrote the poems I needed to write for the reading, which my parents will be able to hear, thanks to Stone Soup documenter Bill Perrault (who was pulling overtime that night). And I have the start for a new chapbook that I hope start up again after this weekend, if not sooner. Thank you again, Bill and Maureen.

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