Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Most Anticipated Publication Credit of 2008

"Macular Thickness and Systemic Markers for Diabetes in Individuals with No and Mild DR" doesn't seem to have to a poetic oomph, does it? That's okay, I didn't come up with the title for the paper--or type any of the words in it.

Still, I'm listed as one of the authors, having spent a couple of years taking pictures of the backs of patients' eyes for the doctors I work for, who, of course, are the primary authors. I didn't have to write about the data, since it was me who helped to provide the data for them.

As far as I know, it's been submitted and will hopefully find a home soon in a medical journal.

My cousin Ryan, the pharmacist, recently had a medical paper published as well, and reading it baffled the non-scientific minds of pretty much all of the family (me too, for the most part). I can't wait to follow suit.

To learn more about DR (diabetic retinopathy) and the types of pictures I take on a pretty regular basis on my job, check out this real accessible website my co-workers and I recently used for a presentation here.


Anonymous said...

macular thickness haiku!

- Bret

Anonymous said...

"Hey baby, wanna see my pictures of dirty eyeballs?"

Just doesn't have that ring to it. Why don't you poet (or geek) it up?