Sunday, May 04, 2008


In an unsure world, it seems certain that I have friends who:

a) will do whatever they fuck they want but only after they waste time talking with me.

b) go out of their way to act as if I'm an unenlightened human being.

Yes, I'm grumpy, over exaggerating. Whatever.


Ian Thal said...

I find that the lower the profile I keep in the world of poetry, the less I have to deal with a.) and b.).

I don't know if this makes me more or less grumpy than you.

Chad Parenteau said...

Unfortunately, this doesn't have much to do with the poetry world. I'm pretty low profile as it is anyway, I think.

Ian Thal said...

I'm just telling you what works with me.

Chad Parenteau said...

Fair 'nuff.

Chad Parenteau said...
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Deer Cloud said...

Grumpy Haiku During Flower Moon in Uncertain Times

Speak silence to friends.
Cry wild words to Li Po sky.
Moon will flower light.

© Susan Deer Cloud 5.7.08

Chad Parenteau said...

Thanks, Susan.