Sunday, September 28, 2008

From Last Week's Zine Fair

Last week I visited the Boston Zine Fair at its new location. I liked what I saw and, as a past participant, wanted to help promote it, though I wouldn't be there the second day.

Having never tested the camera on anything beyond the poetry readings, I did this as a weird experiment to see if:

1. I could do quick interviews.
2. I could create a fllm of these interviews that same day.
3. Would make something that would kind of suck, but in kind of a charming way (but not really).

You can see the results below. Whatever the final judgment is, I'm glad I tried this.


Anonymous said...

You should make a documentary about the open mic scene.


Chad Parenteau said...

I just realized I posted this twice! Oy, I shouldn't post when I'm sleep deprived.