Saturday, November 29, 2008


On Monday, December 1st, Stone Soup will be holding a special dedication reading for Patricia Fillingham, a poet and small press publisher for much of her life, she was prominent as both in New Jersey before settling in Massachusetts, becoming a Stone Soup regular until the time of her death. Her son, David Fillingham, will be reading selections from a to-be-published final collection of her poetry.

Patricia was a real supporter of the open mike, so even if you didn't know her, I think just showing up to read your own work (especially if it's your first time in a while, or your first time ever) would be giving tribute all the same.

And, if you didn't know her, you can read tributes from fellow open miker Chris Robbins as well as a selection of her work from the last Spoonful. I also wrote a tribute for her on my own website here.

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