Wednesday, April 29, 2009

NaPoWriMo, Day Twenty Nine, Poem Twenty Four

Another travel poem.

Phone Poem 4

I'm heading into Clarksburgh
and I thought of you earlier

and how you quit smoking years ago
when my co-worker bragged this morning
about waiting until he was

out of the airport before lighting up.
Now we're almost at our destination.

My co-worker drives and steers
on my word while the ashes
he fails to flick out almost burn out seats.
The precautionary maps
lay by my side, unused
like jokers in a game of cribbage.
A week ago, I was traveling

in Jersey, where I heard
the worst of your screams

for my poor skills in navigation
and swore I would never visit the state

with you ever again,
nervous to be there then
and to be seeing your friends,
like an graduate returning
to detention hall.
And here I am now with
the maps you taught me how
to find and print online,
and if I even had the balls
to call you now,
I still wouldn't be able to say
whether this calmness was in spite
or because of you.

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