Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Return To New Orleans, Part One

Through an unforeseen twist of fate, I found myself back heading back into New Orleans to train a new batch of teleretinal imagers, this time as senior member of the group (even if the group is just me and a trainer from Memphis).

During lunch with my co-worker (we got in from our respective home states just after noon), we got our first taste of music, though not from a local source.

Various chapters of the Restaurant Opportunites Center did various demonstrations outside of our hotel and were holding seminars inside. Sadly, the group was gone by our second day, replaced by a drycleaning convention. Much less excitement.

I now show you above my big find. There were lots of beads being sold clearly marketed for children (to walk with on Bourbon Street? Ugh!), but the necklaces of ducks with Spider Man's design was just too much to not share. I mean, this was an idea that had to be agreed on nob just by the bead company, but also the Marvel Comics corporation. More than one person had to see this as a good idea!

Spider Duck, Spider Duck, makes you wanna go what the...

At least the ones that had tiny Incredible Hulks on them I could at least understand.

But...Spider Duck?

If Spider Duck and Tiny Hulk fought, who

My co-worker wanted to do more touristy stuff, which meant more T-shirt shops than I would have normally visited.

Taken in a shop that prohibits photography

I noticed that while Massachusetts (the supposed liberal haven) could guarantee one joke t-shirt on Obama, I couldn't find one in any New Orleans shop.

Some things had changed since my last visit (the military had pulled out, making our hotel considerably emptier). Despite the changes, New Orleans was still in a state where you could look out your window and see nothing but beauty...

But then you look down.

Or left.

Or down, then left.

But there were still highlights. Stay tuned.

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