Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Glad I'm Not Directing

My latest writing project for work is a script/storyboard for a series of instructional films to be presented on our VA Training Center website. It's taken me a month to get into the groove of writing in the style accepted within the VA (not exactly like a screen play, but close enough). I've rewritten this job about a half-dozen times and have finally come up with nine segments, each one lasting no more than a couple of minutes and able to fit on a single page. As regular text, I think I'd be lucky if it covered four pages total.

I was a little terrified to send this out to be edited and reviewed next Monday. The fact that I've been slow in getting this back to my group is bad enough, but I dread not only being picked apart but being asked why it took so long to produce nine(?) mediocre pages.

If I get a thumbs up, we'll be sending this to a VA media mogul in Salt Lake who specializes in making educational videos. If he gives it a thumbs up, he'll come down to film from my script, and I'll likely be acting in the films. I imagine if all goes to plan, the videos will be done by the end of the year. Another project of mine that will never be seen unless you work for the VA and/or have access to their intranet.

It's amazing how much this project hung like an albatross hung like a albtross tied to my testacles (understandably desparate to get away). Until I was ready to submit the project, I couldn't really write poetry, blog posts, or even a decent Facebook mood with this assignment on the brain. I have some catching here and on my other sites until I have to do the rewrites next Monday.

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