Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Getting Mileage On Empty

It's hard to type anything with work being so crazy and me being so drained. Can't get into whose gone and why. To sum up, it's just me and my boss and a cyclone of work that isn't getting done and information that isn't getting cataloged. Whereas I was staying late every other night, I haven't been able to stay beyond 5:00 for two weeks, though I know that will have to change.

In spite of that, more is happening. The new issue of the Newletter I edit for the national program is going sent out to the nation by next week latest. One once-over, and it's done.

And the script for the training video I was asked to write? It was liked, and we're shooting to, well, shoot from it in November.

I'm also slated for trips to train new imagers in Sacco, Maine and Butler Pennsylvania. Maybe even Minneapolis.

I'd like to say I have no idea how this is going to get done, but the fact is I do. I'm going to have to do it, and if I don't know how, I'm going to have to learn it, as I don't expect to get much in the way of back up until after the holidays. Government jobs can take forever to post, let alone apply for, and there are three openings in my department.

Anybody want a job? Please? I'm not too difficult to work with.

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