Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Anthology Coming Soon

The Baby Chronicles is a book I co-edited with Michael E. Quigg. It contains a series of persona poems unlike any other, all spawned from a poem written by Steve Subrizi about a baby and some seaweed. I have quite a poems in the book, and I thank Michael for both the opportunity to submit and for allowing me so much input into the book's creation. Part of this input included bringing in friend and longtime collaborator James Conant, who illustrated the book throughout, including the cover.

Proceeds from this book will benefit Partners In Health. Stay tuned for information on how to order the book.

1 comment:

Valerie Loveland said...

When I was listening to one of the baby poems on Youtube, the part that the poet said "Hey! I'm a baby!" startled my cats and they ran out of the room. Ha!