Sunday, November 15, 2009

STILL Dreaming of More Idyllic Days

Found this while cleaning my work computer desktop. It was taken last year by my co-worker, Ed, Hurley at Mader's in Milwaulkee, where I learned that with German cuisine, the onion under the brot and sausage counts as the salad.

Not the most restful of work-related trips, as Ed had to build a whole imaging pathway for the VA's teleretinal division while I trained the entire class on the cameras. Still, it had moments. Unfortunately, not all the restaurant's chairs were as comfortable as that one in the waiting area, but it was nice.

The photo reminded me that there will be another calm, at least between storms. More news relating to my work will be up soon too. Maybe even some new pertaining to my job. This has been a momentous year in many ways. If I enjoy the fruits of it by early 2010, I'll be luckier than many people I know and love.

1 comment:

Valerie Loveland said...

You look like an eccentric rich guy in his mansion's parlor, greeting guests, before the murder mystery begins.