Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Learning From Pablo Neruda: An Eight-Week Online Poetry Workshop From Tom Daley

Learning from Pablo Neruda (in English translation): An eight-week online poetry writing workshop at the Online School of Poetry led by Tom Daley (http://onlineschoolofpoetry.org/TomDaleyWorkshop.html)

Exercises will be given in writing, under the influence of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971), the ode to an elemental thing, a love poem beginning “I Remember you as you were,” a narrative poem about a fantastical character in an everyday scene, a poem about a place that has changed, an excoriating diatribe, and a poem about the end of a love affair. Participants will be required to radically revise one of the poems written during the workshop and will write two critiques each week of other participants’ poems. Advice on publishing will be offered by the instructor to those interested.

Dates: May 2-June 27, 2010
Cost: $335 (includes a $10 registration fee)
New participants should send three poems in the body of the text box of an e-mail (no attachments, please!) to the instructor at tom@onlineschoolofpoetry.org.

Tom Daley is also available for one-on-one tutorials, manuscript editing, and advice in publication for both poetry and memoir writers. Contact him at tom.daley2@verizon.net for more information.

In addition to his post at the Online School of Poetry (http://onlineschoolofpoetry.org/), Tom Daley serves on the tutorial faculty of Walnut Hill School for the Arts and has lectured on ekphrastic writing at Brown University.

Tom’s poetry has been published or is forthcoming in numerous journals, including Harvard Review, Prairie Schooner, Barrow Street, Del Sol Review, Diagram, 32 Poems, Salamander, Perihelion, and Hacks: The Grub Street Anthology. His manuscript, Shim, was a finalist for the Emily Dickinson First Book Prize and the Brittingham and Pollak Poetry Prizes. His poetry was nominated for inclusion in the anthology, The Best New Poets 2007. He is a recipient of the Charles and Fanny Fay Wood Academy of American Poets Prize.

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