Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad

I'll be thinking of my Dad a bit today on the day of his birth (he would have been 67 today) as I head to Connecticut to read at least one poem that focuses on him. Pictured above is one of the Coke coolers he was working on on and off restoring in the last few years of his life. My Mom ended up selling all but one of these as they took up too much space and cost too much to use (not economic at all to use). It's a pity because they did look cool, one even coming from Canada with a French logo (which no doubt appealed to Dad, as we're all from French descent). It was tough getting rid of these, but as sure as my Mom will donate, sell, or throw away my old comics, these products of a much more costly and spacious hobby had to go.

My Mom holds on to very little of even her possessions. I've tried to save onto DVD's old recordings, but these are tough to watch for even more reasons (footage of my grandfather who passed away six months after my Dad, a marriage that ended in divorce).

Two years later, my Mom still uses my Dad's Verizon account, which uses his voice on the voicemail system.

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