Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Long Lived Legion?

This week, perhaps sensing I wouldn't make it to the shop this week, a friend called me from a shop and asked me if I wanted anything. I asked for the recent Legion of Superheroes Annual, reuniting Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen.

It was an impulse decision, but it was one born out of a long time fascination with the series. when I was growing up in Bellingham, we knew a guy who held regular rpg's at his house. At one point, he introduced us to the Villains and Vigilantes game touched with the comic book universes (the result was better than the Marvel and DC playsets). After toying around in the X-Men's world, he found it more feasible to put us in the 30th century with R.J. Brande keeping us from worrying about Marvel stuff like jobs. Faster gameplay.

Our gamemaster's basement was loaded with comics I'd never seen before (direct market shops were uknown to me, relying on my trips to the drugstore for my fix). Many covers I remember now were of the Levitz/Giffen run. Particularly this one.

I first saw Darkseid in the worst way possible: The Super Powers mini-series. It fascinated me, but the GM said no, I couldn't read certain issues since they might be used in campaigns. With back issues a foreign concept, he knew his campaign was safe.

So now apparently I have an itch to scratch that's over 20 years old. The collection of Levitz's Darkseid story has been collected. I've turned it down before, but now after scores of retrospectives online and the positive reviews of the issue my friend bought, now might be the time.

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