Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Origin of The "Jesus Poems"

One day on the 365/365 blog, Zeke Russel began a poem with the following:

"Upon hearing the third sex negative Jesus poem at the Lowell open mic"

Something lit in my head, and I later wrote what would become the first of "The Jesus Poems," some of which you might have read during the 30/30 in April. Individuals such as Michael F. Gill have since written Jesus Poems of their own or offered suggestions for others, but this is the one that started the whole mini-meme off.

Negative Sex Jesus

Negative Sex Jesus
says he just hasn't
met the right girl,
but when he says it,
it first gets taken
as gospel, then
One reason why
Negative Sex Jesus
has never dated.

Negative Sex Jesus
thought he had prospects
in Mary Madelene,
but then he said
she reminded him
of his Mother Mary,
freaking out both
Marys in the process.

Negative Sex Jesus
has a lot of virgins
who want to be his friend
His reaction to them
is much like any person
walking in abstinence rallies
out of circumstance,
instead of choice.

Negative Sex Jesus
likes frustrated virgins
much better. He knows
he could get a good dozen
or so together for a party,
but he has bigger goals
in mind, with smaller parties
and maybe a little wine
to calm himself down.

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