Tuesday, January 06, 2015

January 12: DiDi Delgado hosts Matt Parker at Stone Soup

I'd like to thank the people of SOUP, a new poetry group that includes past Stone Soup features like Navah the Buddaphliii and DiDi Delgado, who will be hosting Stone Soup this Monday with feature and fellow SOUP member Matt Parker. It's been a longtime tradition of mine to feature as many new voices as I can every January. That tradition will be in full force next week, thanks in large part to SOUP and it's contributions to the Stone Soup venue these past few months. Despite the name, I had nothing to do with their group or its name, but if they get any bigger I just might take credit later!

Join us and be be part of the ongoing wave of change taking place not only at Stone Soup but in the poetry community as a whole.

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