Sunday, May 01, 2016

NaPoWriMo Afterthoughts

This was the toughest year for April's 30/30 that I ever had. In many ways, I'm at the top of my game, averaging a poem a week, but I had a lot of interference and other challenges that, in the end, were self-imposed.

I wrote a bunch of Stone Soup Crouton poems, haiku and William Carlos Williams riffs in April, but I didn't include them towards the 30 count, though several people told me I should. It was a matter of pride, but it just added more stress to my month, especially since I took a week to travel and another week to recover from red eyes.

Ultimately I'm proud of:

Finishing before the 30th.

My third poem of the month.

No breaking of the Haiku Emergency Glass.

Six poems in one day.

Writing two tretinas.  

I didn't get to write a pantoum this month, but that just means I can write a pantoum in May. No reason to stop working because the month is done.

Thanks to everyone who read my poems. I hope you all found at least one thing worth reading.

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