Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A Special Treat for Women's Equality Day at Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse - August 26

Featuring: We Did It For You!

Saturday, August 26, 2017
THEME: "Equality"

TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
LOCATION: First Parish UU
26 North Street, Medfield, MA

August 26th is Women’s Equality Day which commemorates women getting the vote. Please join us for this celebration of women's rights. Teens and adults will enjoy this presentation.  "Students are surprised and empowered by their stories, their strengths, and their legacies." - Millis High School teacher

“The performance was so outstanding and moving that I got goose bumps and cried. A performance in which each historical figure describes her own trials and accomplishments is so much better than just reading about the woman in a book.” - Lilly Ledbetter, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first act of legislation signed by President Obama

The Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse is an opportunity for spoken word artists to share their poetry, stories, and songs. It is held the last Saturday of every month at 7pm at First Parish Unitarian Universalist, Medfield, MA. Come and join in the fun, either to enjoy as an audience member or to participate. Open mic readers have 5 minutes to share. Original or non-original poetry, stories, performance art, music or songs welcome. Sticking to theme encouraged. Teens and adults welcome. Refreshments from Starbucks are served. Medfield TV films event and posts to Youtube. $5 suggested donation ($3 students)

WE DID IT FOR YOU! is a unique musical designed to educate everyone about the struggle of women to gain their rights and their on-going efforts to gain equality with men.  In this play, a young high-school student learns about the eras when women had no rights and how they fought to get them. Written by Dr. Thea Iberall and seen by thousands across California, We Did It For You! is an eye-opening tale, fun and educational, told through the stories of the historical women who made it happen.

Susan B. Anthony and Eleanor Roosevelt in We Did It For You!

Oscar and Grammy winner Paul Williams says the musical "offers a multi-century parade of feminine genius and courage, and does it with humor and fun. Your daughters must see this but, the men in your family will enjoy it too."

“What a magnificent way to bring the empowering lives of these amazing women to the wider public." - Mark Shelmerdine, TV producer

"This program is important that ALL citizens see it, so that they gain understanding, insight, and appreciation for the role of the individual in effecting positive change.  A stirring, inspiring, patriotic and thoroughly delightful experience!"- Mitzi March Mogul, Heritage Square Museum

"Never has my heart been touched so deeply. This heartwarming play takes audiences on a profound emotional journey that results in a deepened awareness of, and appreciation for, women in history upon whose shoulders we stand today." Paula Fellingham, Founder, Women's Information Network

"The educational message was powerful and poignant, increasing our awareness and overall knowledge of our history.  If you have this troupe coming your way, put on your seat-belt for a rollercoaster ride you won’t soon forget.  Thank you for an outstanding performance… many, many thanks.” - John E. Winkfield, Director Equal Employment Opportunity, US Army

“After seeing your production, I have been raving to anyone within earshot.”

“It was really great!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!”

“It was a four Kleenex event even after seeing it three times. It was wonderful”

“IT WAS FABULOUS ! ! ! ! !”

“It went right to my heart.”

“We loved it”

“I’m so excited, I’m making you humentashen.”

Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray in We Did It For You!

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Medfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

To reserve tickets in advance or more info, email Thea Iberal at theaiberall@yahoo.com 

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