Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Expresso Yourself to Feature Storyteller Betsy Johnson on January 27th

Featuring Betsy Johnson

JANUARY 27, 2018
THEME: The Universe Within Us

TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
LOCATION: First Parish UU
26 North Street, Medfield, MA

The Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse is an opportunity for spoken word artists to share their poetry, stories, and songs. It is held the last Saturday of every month at 7pm at First Parish Unitarian Universalist, Medfield, MA. Refreshments are served. Come and join in the fun, either to enjoy as an audience member or to participate. Open mic readers have 5 minutes to share. Teens and adults welcome.

Save the date -- Expresso's 2nd Birthday Party is coming up in February. We'll have a very special treat for this super event.

Betsy Johnson is a poet and writer of stories focused on finding the sacred in the ordinary and metaphor in the details. Betsy's poems and stories have appeared in various literary journals and anthologies including Mamalode, and the books Flat Earth Diary and ​ Out on a Limb. She tries to write at the frontier between deep internal experience and revelations of the outer world. Her writing centers on themes of connection and she is driven to write stories and poems as a way to create and connect as a community -- to create a door through which others can walk.

Betsy has served on the Board of Directors of ​SPARK Kindness, a grassroots nonprofit organization in Natick, MA dedicated to building kind, empowered & inclusive communities where no child or family feels alone, bullied, unsupported or unconnected. She also recently facilitated a 7-part community conversation at Common Street Spiritual Center ​based on the BELIEF ​series which first aired on the OWN network in October of 2015 and explored humankind's ongoing search to connect with something greater than ourselves by introducing us to diverse faiths through the lens of personal stories of people on spiritual journeys. 

With a self-proclaimed techy but lovable geek of a husband and a shining star daughter with autism, she has learned to see the beauty of difference, the light and color and startling depth of dimension in the full range of the human spectrum. She lives in Natick with her husband Brian and daughter Becca.
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