Wednesday, January 24, 2018

State of Stone Soup, 1-24-18

I want to thank everyone who attended Stone Soup last Thursday. It was an amazing moment in time for me, one that I hope to repeat over and over at Stone Soup's new home.

That being said, I need to apologize to all of you for not providing a follow up feature for next week.

Despite how wonderful Brew on the Grid has been, I was very nervous about everything coming together last week. Out of caution, I didn't want to set up a string of features right away in case there were issues that needed to be resolved. Also, I am still getting used to what is essentially a new work schedule with how I have to work on and promote Stone Soup. Getting everything out during the weekend and prepping for Monday was easier. Doing things during the work week has taken some adjusting.  

As a result, I have only posted the information for tomorrow's Stone Soup on the website less than an hour ago.

I hope you will be able to make it tomorrow, whether you were there last week or were biding your time. There is still the matter of needing a microphone, but we hope to resolve either this week or next. I also plan to work with other people in the poetry scene to secure more features in the future. If you are a poet interested in featuring, it's best to contact me at

Thank you all for your patience. I hope to be back up to speed for all of you very soon.

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