Wednesday, February 13, 2019

I Had Issues! My Old Review of Batman: Brave and The Bold #16

Hey, nice timing. A comic with a Valentine's theme on the cover on the week of Valentines Day. I really shined to Sholly Fisch work. Years later, it seems he's still regulated to comic adaptations of TV properties. He doesn't even have his own Wikipedia page. Sometimes there is no justice. Originally published February 10, 2012. Edited for clarity.

For a while now, I've been writing about Sholly Fisch from his backup stories in Action Comics. I picked up Brave and The Bold #16, an adaptation of the since cancelled Cartoon Network show, largely because I saw his name on the cover with the art team of Rick Burchett and Dan Davis. Here, Fisch's writing tone is snappier and fun. The art team captures the look of the show quite well while still maintaining a Bruce Timm like simplicity with added playfulness. So why is this neat title getting sent off? You'd think one more Bat-Title would be a goal in DC's mind.

Fisch needs more recognition. Initial searches have him mentioned and interviewed more on the fan press level. What is this interesting media ghetto where quality writers of mainstream comics for actual kids(!) get stuck in? For that matter, why is a good comic book title like this one getting a cancellation just because the series is over? And wouldn't it be funny if Batmite is the constant series closer for a new era of DC product? No announcement, you just see him on an upcoming cover in Previews, and you know your pull box will be lighter soon...

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