Thanks to Patricia Carragon for sending this. Email her, me, or the Editor if you wan the manifesto mentioned below.
From the Editor, Christopher Bogart, who is putting together this important anthology. We need to express ourselves as long as we still have the freedom to do so. Please check it out and spread the word. There is cabogart@aol.comNo due date yet.
Dear Fellow Poet,
Thank you for your interest in this project.
I am putting together a collection of poetry, "An anthology of poetry by American Poets to speak to the American Conscience" and called Silence is Consent. So far, 23 poets from all over the United States are already on board, and 14 intend to submit. I want to give the poets that I've been reading with on Zoom throughout the country over the last four years a platform to express themselves. At so many of these readings, and on Facebook as well, poets are reading and posting poetry that fights back against the beliefs of this new presidency and the tenets of the MAGA world and The 2025 Project.
I have attached a "Silence is Consent Manifesto" to let you know the philosophy that is driving this project.
If you are interested in participation in this project, please email me, with SILENCE IS CONSENT in the email memo line. Please attach up to 5 poems and a four-sentence bio. Please do not send any poetry that encourages, condones or suggest either violence or bigotry of race, gender, ethnicity, or anti-LGBTQ themes.
Again, thanks for your interest. Please feel free to share this with any other poets who you think might also be interested.
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