Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush Wins, Osama Bin-Laden And Fellow Crusade-Hungry Fundamentalists Rejoice

America is officially the new Iran. You read it here first. All because people decided to either support or concede to a fanatical belief system that crumples outside certain boundries and ceases to exist in the very households of said fanatics. If logic doesn't intervene soon, there will be massive consequences to follow the draft that at this point seem inevitable no matter what either leader says, no matter how many guys Haliburton gets over there for ten thousand a month. Bush's hope is that he defuses things enough so that the consequences happen decades after he's gone, and that he's left behind some bogeyman to take the blame for all we hate. Given Reagan's lauded "heroism," Bush just might pull it off.

What got me the most was the amount of young people cheering for Bush while standing a few feet away from the CNN pundit table. What, do they know they're immune to the draft? I gave them a name: Cannon Fodder For Bush.

It feels sick for me to think it, but it might actually be better now that Bush is in there. There is no one else to blame as everything turns to shit. If we're lucky, there will be a taint that follows him as his sidekicks continue to leave and scandals continue to errupt. We might be stronger next time, providing we can vote for a candidate that wants to win instead of doing his best not to rock the two-party boat.

Nader would have done best by just sitting back and doing nothing, as his statements on the alleged two-party system were vindictated once again by Kerry, who ultimately didn't care about challenging the religous radicals in power and instead tried to play the God issue to his advantage (instead of identifying it as a non-issue with no place in politics). That kind of lobbying only works if you don't believe in thinking, as the sad majority of Americans can't deal with differing thoughts and would rather stand together with a set of ideas they don't have to practice, only agree on. Those stupid fucks deserve the apocalyspe they seem to yearn for. I'm just not convinced they deserve Heaven.

I'm boycotting my family until tomorrow or Friday. I'm gritting my teeth to get ready to listen to the right-wing poet at the Cantab who's actually a Canadian citizen.

At least it wasn't a total slaughter. Keyes lost in Illinois, and he's Bush without the mask. Plus, there's no way Bush can say anything like "The People Have Spoken," at least not without adding "Kinda" at the end.

I'd be completely lost if it weren't for Lynne, who is quite a spiritial being. She compared the fundamentalists plaguing America (paraphrasing here) to retarded children, unable to comprehend true enlightment with their ways.

So, as you get sad either sitting in front of the TV or marching in the streets, just stop and realize you didn't watch a fair election, or even an unfair one. You just watched a messed up version of the Special Olympics.

I feel better just typing that.

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