Friday, May 20, 2005

Oh, This Is Just ...

For those of you who actually know a little bit about our the military's recent history with prisoners over in Iraq and don't think irony's a liberal media conspiracy, I submit the following article with no other comment other than the header above and the emphasis (italics) I put on one particular paragraph.

The rest of you will have to read more.

U.S. Condemns Publication of Saddam Photos

The U.S. military on Friday condemned a British newspaper's decision to print photographs of a captive Saddam Hussein, including one showing him in his underwear.

A front-page picture in the tabloid Sun showed the former Iraqi dictator, clad only in white briefs, folding a pair of trousers. Another on an inside page showed Saddam hand-washing a piece of clothing.

The Sun said it obtained the photos from "U.S. military sources."

A statement by the U.S. military in Baghdad said the photos violated military guidelines "and possibly Geneva Convention guidelines for the humane treatment of detained individuals."

It said the source of the photos was unknown, but they were believed to have been taken more than a year ago. Saddam was captured in December 2003 and remains in custody. He is charged with war crimes, but no date has been set for his trial.

The military said it was "aggressively" investigating to determine who took the pictures.

"We take seriously our responsibility to ensure the safety and security of all detainees," the statement said.

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