Sunday, June 19, 2005

Is This Fresh Air?

As usual, people only seem to swing by my site when I am not working on it. Come back, please!

I have finally wrapped up my poetry classes for the summer. I'll be presenting some of the works-in-progress here and eventually in actual journals (with any luck). As part of an exchange deal with instructor Tom Daley, I'm working on a handout/article of sorts on blogging. He's doing a workshop on promoting/marketing writing. Be warned: This may mean I'll be bothering some of you veterans with questions in the next few days.

Mike got back from Iraq three weeks ago and had to head bach this past Monday. After his New Hampshire get-away, I was able to see him last week, the only non-family member to be invited, which I appreciated.

His gift to me from his trip was a beautiful handcrafted chess set. I've mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I feel awful benefiting from the conflict in any way, shape or form. On the other hand, I'm glad Mike was able to appreciate enough about the people to make the extra effort to share it with me and others. I wish he shared the story of how he got it with me. I'll let you see it soon.

Some new link additions, updates. I'll let you know tonight, with any luck. Off to see my father now.

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