Saturday, June 16, 2007

I've Been Thinking About This On and Off All Day

Thanks to Site MeterI've been aware for some time that my weird brand of humor when I write has led this blog to be the unlikely destination of people who put things like "girl with horse" in Google or Yahoo's search engines I accept that and even hope that fate can even bring a new reader or two.

Today, however, while checking out Site Meter, I'm flabbergasted to find:

1. That someone found me by putting the phrase "pussy tonight in montgomery al" into Google's search engine--someone from Alabama, by the way.

2. That when this person was done looking at my site, he (or she) decided to exit by way of my link to here.

I wish some flies on the wall could get back to me on what happened next in the day in the life of that web surfer.

1 comment:

Ian Thal said...

The oddest searches that have brought someone to my site, according to Google Analytics, are "describe bread" and "when did deborah read rogers die".