Monday, August 20, 2007

Dale, Erik, I Found It!!!

This post is mostly for my newlywed buds, Dale and Erik, but the geek in you may want to click at the bottom, just in case.

Dale, Erik, remember the topic of a particular media train wreck that you, Lynne and I talked about? How you never saw said train wreck and how impossible it was to find it?

Real specific, huh? That's all I want to say because I don't want the link to be removed. You'll just have to click below and be instantly reminded.

Check it out.

1 comment:

Ian Thal said...

I saw it for the first time since its original release a year and a half ago. Bea Arthur's song was pretty good though it made no sense in the story. Art Carney is a comedy legend and did the best he could with the material. The Boba Fett Cartoon was of course, the one thing this disaster is best remembered for.

Wikipedia has a good article on just this subject and explains just how this idea ended up going so horribly wrong.