Thursday, September 04, 2014

An Odd Wedding Highlight

I've already pointed out that Oddball Magazine's Jason Wright got married this past weekend.  There were more than a few highlights that weekend, but one of the quieter ones was this vintage copy of the first ever print version of his magazine from way back in the 1990's.  He had long since lost his original copies, but here was one right in his hands as a wedding gift.

My quick read of this first ever issue (shown here in black and white to better show off the cover) showed me pure zine-y goodness, complete with everything from xeroxed photos to poems reprinted in an author's original handwriting.  Lots of energy and fun between these pages.  It made me miss the nineties and early aughties, when zines seemed to be everywhere around Boston, from Rich Mackin's Book of Letters series to Jim Behrle's renegade poetry journal Meanie. 

I think it would be great to share this first of firsts with the rest of Oddball's readership, and if I have my way (and  Jason is game) then you'll all be able to see this piece of small press history soon.

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