Monday, August 17, 2015

Very Few Boston Poetry Marathon Pics

Some other pics aside from the Toni Bee shots I posted yesterday.

It was great to see Jim Behrle's "Live Poetry, Fresh Killed" on Hampshire Street for another weekend-long summer reading at Outpost 186.

And I always chuckle when I see the arrow to the Outpost and the event underneath the sign for...


Turned out the day I read we started out ahead of schedule. As near as I can tell, there was a filler name put in that never got replaced with a real person. Either that or Walt Whitman is very unprofessional. 

What??? That Whitman's name over mine???

Jim Behrle came dressed in what could only be described as his Ghostbuster outfit. Apparently, it was a reference to the TV show "Lost," but no one in the audience had any idea which character he was.

Friends were reacquainted.

Shoes were compared.

"I have another pair like this at home!"
Several pics were attempted with poor lighting. One exception was Sam Cha, who carried with him the unbearable brightnes of being behind in front of a window.

And I took one more black and white photo I liked.

Thanks again, Jim Behrle, John Mulrooney, Audrey Mardavich and  Mitch Manning for a great weekend.

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