Monday, February 17, 2020

This Week's Friendly Reminder

Saw this while walking to work last week.

Let It Be

It occurs to me it may not be a great reminder for anyone going to work this week.

I am not at my job this week. This might be my first full week off in a decade.

I've taken three or four days off here and there. I honestly can't remember the last time I've had Monday through Friday off. 

It's going to be tough for me this week to just take a breath and sit for a while, to just be myself and not run around anywhere.

I am always on, always on the go.

But if I slow down and try it, so can you. I hope you can.

Some of you might not even have the opportunity to on this holiday Monday. I hope you can find the time another day, another time. I think we all need it more than ever this particular year.

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