Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cape Cod’s OuterMost Community Radio Sponsors Poetry Contest

Cape Cod’s OuterMost Community Radio Sponsors Poetry Contest
 WOMR 92.1 FM OuterMost Community Radio Cape Cod is pleased to announce the Provincetown OuterMost Poetry Contest, with open submissions period from August 1 to deadline Dec. 1, 2012.  Guest Judge: Marge Piercy.  Submission fee $15.  $1,000 to the National Prize winner and $200 to our Regional Prize winner.  Winners announced in March, 2013.

Guest Judge MARGE PIERCY. $1200 in prizes. Send 5 pages of your best poetry, any style, any length, any subject matter, and $15 submission fee w/ check made out to: OuterMost Community Radio with “Poetry Contest” written in the memo line of the check. You may enter more than once, but include a $15 submissions check per 5 pages submitted. Your name is not to appear on the poems.  Include a cover letter with your name, contact info & title of poems. $1,000 National Prize to best poem, $200 Regional Prize to best poem by a Cape Cod based poet. All entries are submitted for consideration of the $1,000 National Prize.  After the National Prize poem has been chosen, then the best poem written by a Cape Codder receives the $200 Regional Prize.  No poet may win both Prizes in the same year.
Mail all entries to: WOMR 92.1 FM Outermost Community Radio, attention: Joe Gouveia, PO Box 975, 494 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA 02657

For more info email CapePoet@yahoo.com or call WOMR-FM 508.487.2619

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