Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lynn, Lynn, Let Me In

Heading to North Station to make it to my feature tonight. See you there?

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas Decorations in Two Weeks

The Chad Parenteau's Lost Causes newsletter for September 11 is up now at Substack.

In New York

The subject of Steven Schutzman's poem--Larry freaking David--has lived in California for decades. Still, this feels like a New York poem. Appropriate given that today is September 11. I have to run this piece with artwork from New Yorker Ira Joel Haber. Thanks for reading Oddball Magazine this Wednesday. 

A Bonus Moment of Comics

John Linton Roberson has been showing this page from Joe Matt's Peepshow strip collection from Kitchen Sink Press. It features him and Bernie Mireault as two young cartoonists scraping by. Even before Mireault's recent suicide and Matt's recent death after living a meager and miserly existence for the last several years (albeit willingly), John said it worked as a cautionary tale and urged him to not be broke and destitute in life. I have more thoughts about Joe's work in particular. Particularly the last work he ever did.

Broken Homes

A good poem by Robert Witmer with fitting photography by Glenn Bowie. It's Oddball Magazine on a Wednesday. Welcome. 

New Series

Check out Art About, a new public access by Jen Campbell focusing on the North Shore arts scene. Episode 2 with Judi Jorge is out now. 

Practice Haiku

Sitting quietry
waiting for people to leave
makes them stay longer.

Like This Person

The person writing "Long Live Palestine" on the mailboxes like this is clever. Much harder for anti-Palestine people to inject their own words ("usually something something Hamas").

More Torn Free Palestine Stickers

I know I'll be seeing a lot more of this before November.

A Moment of Comics

John Cassaday passed away earlier this week. People have been posting his pages from Captain America and Astonishing X-Men. These are good choices, but despite Warren Ellis' fall from grace, Planetary deserves to be in print forever. Cassaday was at his best when he was creating his own worlds. If it wasn't for Cassady, comics in the early 2000's would have been far less interesting.

He seemed to work exclusively on covers after Astonishing X-Men. That move was smart, but then we missed pages like the one above from the groundbreaking Planetary #1, written by Ellis, drawn by Cassady. Laura Martin's colors can't be overlooked either. RIP, Mr. Cassaday.

American Haiku: What I Have

When I started my Sarcastic Haiku series, I wrote my first American Haiku. An American Haiku doesn't care about tradition, formality or history. it takes as long as it wants to make its point because America. You can read others I've written since by clicking here and scrolling down. 

American Haiku: What I Have
Do I have haiku
about the debate and Trump?
I have concepts of haiku...

Happy Birthday, Jymi Cliche



Hello Poetry Lovers

Trying to prep for my feature tonight.

Your Wednesday Morning Poetry

Read Nasser Rabah's poem "Amjad" in ArabLit Quarterly, translated by Wiam El-Tamami.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Post-Debate Haiku

Concepts of a Plan
It's Binders Full of Woman
for 2024!


See You in Lynn This Wednesday for Speakup

Over a decade ago, I had my first marquee experience, with my name up in lights at the Walnut Street Cafe in Lynn Massachusetts. I return there this Wednesday on September 11 as the feature poet of Speakup. If you are not in the area, you can join us via this Zoom link (passcode: Speakup). It will be great to be with the north shore poets again.

Rest Easy

Jason Wright's tribute to LUCCI is up now. Read his latest Jagged Thought up at Oddball Magazine. 

Coming Next Week

Edward S. Gault features at Stone Soup Poetry on September 18.



LUCCI, aka Glenn Lucci Furman, had given us poem for a future project. We are presenting it today with thanks to Jason Wright. Read the poem today at Oddball Magazine. RIP LUCCI.

This Week's Most Distinguished Network Name

It's amazing what people will name their online networks. I'm always trying to hijack Wi-Fi when I'm commuting, so I often come across a number of interesting names. Every Tuesday, I post the most impressive and/or cringe-inducing names.

Network Name: Endless Summer
No! God please! No!

Happy Birthday, Karen Lee Ramos

See her site. 

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Gordon McKim


Happy Birthday, Richard Spisak


Monday, September 09, 2024

September 18: A Distinguished Gentleman Visits Stone Soup Poetry

The week of September 18 is Jack Power's birthday. I like to have a friend of Jack's feature if at all possible. Who better than the man I like to call "Gentleman" Gault.

Ed Gault, longtime open mic participant in person and online, will be featuring on the 18th. The last time he featured for Stone Soup Poetry, Ed had to share his time with a hastily assembled tribute (thus earning his nickname). I'm happy to give Ed all the time he needs to read from his first poetry collection.

Join us on September 18 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 871 5296 8875

Password: stonesoup

Comics Spotlight: Mike Salva

Thank you for reading Oddball Magazine this Monday.

Run, Time Pig, Run!

And leave me alone for the rest of the day! I have real things to do!

Chapter 8

Steven David Justin Sills' latest part of his ethics (illustration by Richard Spisak) is up now at Oddball Magazine. 

September 12: Stone Soup Poetry on a Thursday!

Space is warped and time is meaningless! This week, Stone Soup is on a Thursday! I have a gig this Wednesday. Next week we'll be back to our regular Wednesday schedule for what should be the rest of the year.

Join us on Thursday September 12 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 842 3182 0148

Password: stonesoup 


Tonight: The Contro-Verse Open Mic at Urban Media Arts in Malden with Andrea Donna

From 7:00 to 8:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Hosted by Jeff Taylor and Anna Geoffroy. click here for more information.

More of Anne's Work History

Anne Skove comes back with another autobio comic. Read "She Who Laughs Lasts" now at Oddball Magazine. 

The Less Enticing Road

"Psalm of Sand" is my latest From Picture to Page poem on my Patreon. Subscribe for as little as a buck.



Mike Mesterton-Gibbons is back with another acrostic over at Oddball Magazine. Welcome to Monday!

Almost Back to Normal

By the time fall is here, this blog and our schedule will be as back to normal as it can be. 

Announcements coming. 


Not good when my first reaction to the day is to recreate the "I will fuckin' end you" scene from Good Will Hunting. 

Something's Going Well

Sending some submissions out after weeks of stalling. 

Might be getting rejected, but I'll be sending the rejected work out again immediately. 

City Haiku

Time of journey:
Eighteen minutes by foot,
twenty by bus.

On Probation

Twig was in the bad kind of dog house this past weekend. So here's some pictures from two weekends ago when he was slightly more bearable. 

Happy Birthday, Fin Hall



How to Ruin a PIece

So back in August I noticed this piece on Centre Street at the empty space where the 7/11 store used to be. 

The Return

I missed Little Miss Palestine. Haven't seen it since late last year.

Blue Mr. Men like character, blue - Little Miss Free Palestine - Our liberation is interconnected! - Systemic change for collective liberation

This Week's Friendly Reminder

More beautiful art. 

Sticker: Palestine is Still Bleeding - At Least 25,000 Killed - 9,600 Children - 1 OUt of Every 100 People in Gaza - More Than 8,000 People Missing

My Monday Morning Music

Canadian cartoonist Bernie Mireault took his own life last week. A cartoonist I knew from his various appearances in Joe Matt's Peepshow and his work for anthologies like Taboo, I wish I had gotten into his work more back in the nineties. I just found out about his band Bug Eyed Monster. Here's one from his YouTube page. 


Saturday, September 07, 2024

New TikTok Exclusive Poem

A nonsense poem to make D Train more famous.Spell check isn't talking to me anymore.

@chadpoetforhire A nonsense poem to make @Donnell Anderson more famous. Spell check isn’t talking to me anymore. #fy #foryou #fyp #foryoupage #poetry #poem #southie #capecod #capecodmassachusetts #capecodsummer #summer #summer2024 ♬ original sound - Chad Poet for Hire


Obvious Title

"Dick" is my latest blackout poem on Medium.


Happy Birthday, John Hicks

Again, I like the journal name.

Happy Birthday, Noemi Saafyr Paz



Happy Birthday, R Chrisler Fairhurst



Jackie Corley, Virtual Thursdays Dire Literary Series Plus Q and A with Timothy Gager, 9/6/24

Yesterday's Dire today. Hosted by Timothy Gager.



This Keeps Happening

How bad is it when I'm initiating a phone call and by the time I hang up, I'm yelling "Can you f---ing leave me alone?!?

Friday, September 06, 2024

My Friday Evening Music

Videos that are sequels to other videos seemed cursed. I remember seeing this video before the "Jeopardy" video that preceded it. These guys knew how to have fun. Petty they weren't even bigger. Still, after getting parodied by "Weird Al," where can you possibly go?



This Sunday

The Robert Frost Foundation 

Welcomes You
To Our First Poetry Hoot of the Season
Sunday, September 8 at 7pm
Salvatore’s Riverwalk
Lawrence, MA
Featuring Poets From
The North Andover Poets Corner
The Robert Frost Foundation
The Grey Court Poets
Open mic to follow if time permits
Regular Menu Available
Please Come Join Us

Monday: The Contro-Verse Open Mic at Urban Media Arts in Malden with Andrea Donna

From 7:00 to 8:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Hosted by Jeff Taylor and Anna Geoffroy. click here for more information.

Tonight: Jackie Corley, at the Virtual Dire Literary Series

Hosted by Timothy Gager. Click here to join the group and get information on how to join the call.

And don't forget to visit the author's website.

Wisdom on the Keys

Bruce Wise is back with Wise Words at Oddball Magazine. 

I Laughed

The people over at Provincetown Bookshop must have a sense of humor to put Bill Maher's latest mental masturbation among books like these. 

Imagine That

Janet Cormier's Bamboozled No More! column kicks off Friday at Oddball Magazine. 

Back to School

Time to read the latest issue of North of Oxford. Edited by g emil reutter and Diane Sahms. 

Stone Soup Croutons, 9-4-24: Old Schoolmates

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions selected from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.

It was fun. Everyone was so nice. It would make the poem harder to write if not for all the crazy surprises. 

Thanks for reading. 
Old Schoolmates

Brothers stone sisters
in playground center
before first class.
Eulogies bore them. 
Real devils party 
during day,


My summer vacation, by which I mean my vacation from summer, needs to start soon.

Happy Birthday, Thomas Gagnon

Book's still available, right?

Happy Birthday, Gail Moran Slater

Sit back on the porch for a bit.

Happy Birthday, Belinda Subraman



When Black Friday Comes

I'm gonna match that theme. Please don't make this a meme.

My Friday Morning Music

 "Weird Al's" Greg Kihn Band parody. 


My Friday Morning Music

The Greg Kihn Band also sang this song? Doesn't sound like the same band!



Picture of braying Donald Trump, words saying "T.G.I.F. Trump, Get Indicted Forever"
Inspired by DL Polonsky.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

And Don't Forget

The deadline for Poetry Downtown's anthology is today. Click here to submit.


Now Spill!

Spillwords Press is looking for Halloween themed work. Click here to submit your own words before September 17.

New Journal

Patricia Carragon is starting a new journal called Sense and Sensibility Haiku. Click here to learn the prompt and how to submit.

Oh, So Many

Here's James Van Looy holding up Thursdays at Oddball Magazine with his poem column, It's All One Thing.

Janet's Flowers from June

Janet sent us this garden view back when summer was just starting. I'll have to ask her how it turned out.

For Janet's written work, read her Bamboozled No More! column every Friday at Oddball Magazine.


Happy Birthday, Chris Dusterhoff



Stone Soup Poetry Open MIc, 9-4-24

From this week's online gathering. Lots of screen sharing. Lots of unearthed poetry. Wild ending. Typical Wednesday. Come back for more.



Good Bye and Good Riddance, Labor Day Weekend

Stone Soup made it to September! Thanks to everyone who came out or listened to last night's all-open mic. Announcements coming.