Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prep Work

For some time now, thanks to Site Meter, I've noticed that a bunch of people have been finding my website after doing searches with the words "roommate" and "roommate poems," and even phrases like, most recently, "how to deal with a backstabbing roommate." In fact, "Roommate Poem" seems to be the phrase I see typed in the most when tracing back how people find me on Google or Yahoo! search engines.

Now, part of this is because I've posted about roommates in the past, but it's been happening more frequently since I announced the upcoming Discarded: Poems for My Apartments chapbook.

That's why I'm making a bigger effort now to promote the upcoming book, starting with the changing of my description text at the top of my blog. My next step will be posting the cover artwork by James Conant once it's finished, maybe even some drafts if he'll let me.

To those of you who are doing "roommate" or "roommate poem" searches, you just might want to check this small book out (i.e. buy it) when it gets released next from Cervena Barva Press.

I won't be presumptuous and promise outright that my book will appeal to everyone who's had a negative roommate experience--especially since the poems don't necessarily tell a linear story from my first post-college apartment to my current one-bedroom (though I did try to have every roommate and living space from that time have at least a cameo).

Still, my experiences have run the gamut, so there should be something for everyone, whether you've been angered, terrified, saddened, or just freaked out by the people you've lived with.

So, to you random roommate victims searching for respite, I hope to see you back here again.


Ian Thal said...

Based on the data captured by Google Analytics, the weirdest keywords that resulted in a visit to my blog was "the annihilation of america by the puppets of zionism" which hailed from my hometown of Washington, D.C. and landed on my article "Breaking with Bread and Puppet" I'm equal parts amused and disturbed.

So I think I have you beat on search engine weirdness for this month.

Chad Parenteau said...

THIS month, sure.