Saturday, January 10, 2015

Counting Last Year's Blessings, Part Two

One of the reasons I started Stone's Throw is that I really wanted to be in print again.  Maybe it was the thrill of having my book Patron Emeritus out in 2013 and I just wanted more.  I got more.  A lot more.  It was great.

Blue Max Review was out during the summer and in my hands by year's end, all the way from Ireland.I thank Gene Barry and everyone else involved for whatever their part was in choosing to publish a poem that was a little on the crazier side of what I usually write.  In fact I don't know if I've ever read "A Man Explains Why He Set Off  Fireworks The Night Before Easter" more than once, if that.  I will try to recite it at an open mic or during a feature at some point in the new year, so you can stop wondering what the poem is about.

Mo' Joe: The Joe the Poet Anthology was a fantastic opportunity to follow what I call a poetic meme of Joe the Poet poems.  Click here for that story.  I was so happy to not only have two pieces included but also incorporate a tiny bit of local history.  First with "Joe the Poet and Billy Barnum," which touches on the legendary performer who late last year moved to New Hampshire, and "Joe the Poet at Occupy Wall Street," which borrows a line from friend and poet Blaine Hebbel.  My only regret is that I never organized a release party at Stone Soup Poetry with John Roche and others.  This was partly because I was uncertain of whether there was going to be a Stone Soup Poetry in a large enough venue by the year's end.  Now that the location problem has been resolved, I would love to set something up to get this in as many hands as possible.

I've been trying to get into Off The Coast for years, ever since I heard that it was being taken over by former Cantab slam master Michael Brown and Valerie Lawson.  Normally I send multiple submissions to journals, including Off the Coast.  This time, I sent a single poem, "How to Write to Your Straw Man," and it was accepted.  That so rarely happens, and I'm glad it happened with this poem.  A print copy is available via their site, and you can read my poem as an excerpt by clicking here.

Multiverse blended the best of two of my worlds, poetry and comics.  It was also an opportunity to be in a book by Write Bloody Publishing, which is a thrill.  I owe a lot to editors Rob Sturma and Ryk McIntyre for including my poem "Ditko's Day" in the book.  I haven't gotten a copy of it yet because I haven't been able to make it to any of the release party readings.  My one solution is to make one at Stone Soup, which I wasn't able to do for the reasons stated above.  2015 is going to be a busy year with making up for 2014.

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