Friday, March 11, 2016

Stone Soup Croutons, 3-8-16, BONUS POEM, Game On

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions picked up from poems overheard from Stone Soup's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title either then or later. It's likely some of the poets I thank at the end won't even be able to figure out which lines were inspired by their work. My poem for this week came out on Wednesday. Today's is a special bonus poem.

On Tuesday, I attended the SOUPED Up Poetry Slam at The Dudley Cafe held by the Society of Urban Poetry and hosted by DiDi Delgado. I ended up being both keeping score and keeping time. Despite this, I was able to compose a poem from the first couple of rounds of slammers.

Game On

There is no calisthenic
for training in double talk
and yet we learn to speak in genocide.

One bar hopper's tale of conquest
is another's survivor story.

A woman's smile comes
with two stories
(I hope you're happy)

Watch your words
like a father holding a newborn
his angry reflection in a mirror.

The way lips taste has a way
of coming out in confession.

They call to march
but who is side by side?

The Contestants (until the first two were replaced).

I'm always scared to show my work in math. God I hope I didn't screw up.

Special thanks to everyone who participated and attended the event. 

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