Friday, December 19, 2003


Been a hell of a two week stretch. All motivation for writing was removed this past Sunday when I was faced with the capture of Saddam and the near-inevitable prospect of George W. Bush for four more years. Feeling even a smidgeon depressed over Saddam's capture is no more right than it is for right wingers to wish that anti-war people suffer from a terrorist act in order to realize how important homeland security and the war on yadda yadda is (but would that prove it to be effective?). Even though the fighting continues and the evidence is nowhere to be found, it seems that nobody cares as long as the new millenium's epitome of evil is eliminated.

Did we really eliminate the real equivalent of Sauron, however, or did we just clean up a mess that we made twenty years ago? We'll never even ponder this question if Saddam is tried by Iraq and not a world court. Without any proof, I've been suspecting that Iran is pushing for a world court--to embarass us as aspects of the Iran-Iraq war came out in a more neutral environment. I would push for that too.

If the Thanksgiving thing taught us anything, it's that the surface of things and homey images Bush throws at us are all the majority of the nation cares about.

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